Mobile Time & Expenses (T&E) is a easy to use app to record your time and expenses while youre traveling or away from your office. Ideal for corporate employees or any other professional that needs to track and report their time and expenses.
Track time by date, project, task, and location. Track your expenses by category, project, and location. You may develop custom lists of projects, categories, and locations.
Mobile T&E is designed for professionals who record their time by hour (or portion thereof) without using a timer. If youre looking for a timer-based app, there are plenty of good ones in the App Store.
No need to sign up for any website or install any desktop software. Instead, you can easily email your time data in Comma Separated Values (CSV), XML, or HTML text-based so you can import to your spreadsheets or accounting system for your timesheet and expense reports.
If you want more features other than just time and expenses, check out our other apps:
- Mobile Employee
- Mobile Manager
- Mobile Executive
- Mobile Consultant
- Mobile Accountant